2007년 12월 29일 토요일

Nausicaa plays a caterpillar

About a month ago Nausicaa somehow got into playing a caterpillar. In the movie she says "koomtle koomtle(wiggle wiggle) ..." while playing the caterpillar walking. The background noise is my wife doing the dishes.

Ultraman sat on a couch

Playing dolls with my daughter this song followed up and my daughter loved the rhyme so much that she laughed loudly, especially at "ouch":

The Ultraman sat on a couch.

The Ultraman had a great ouch.

All the toy heroes and all the toy men
Couldn't put Ultraman there up again.

2007년 11월 22일 목요일

Hangul pangrams I composed today


쵸콜릿향 짙어 뮤즈다운 그녀 피부
(Her skin like that of a Muse with strong chocolate flavor)

2벌식 자판에 있는 모든 자모(SHIFT 문자 제외)

양옆구리 흉터도 큰 뱀에 물린 상처죠.
(The scars on both side of the waist are bites of a big snake)

2벌식 자판에 있는 모든 자모(SHIFT 문자 포함)

우유를 마셔 체했을 땐 요 양손끝을 콱 찔러 계속 피를 빼보자고 얘기한다.
(When your stomach gets upset with milk, say pick the fingertips and draw some blood out.)

2007년 8월 17일 금요일

Early this year I had an idle weekend afternoon so I took out a compressed charcoal stick and my sketchbook to copy a photo of my daughter we had had taken when she was a year old.

My Previous Postings.

My previous blog was "Walking the Boundaries", but google blogger had changed something and it doesn't work any more. The older posts remain there but no reply or new post are available. So I start a new one here. My blog was no place for sharing some valuable data and I hope nobody got harmed by the change.